Comparison of Kurtosis and Fourth Power Detectors with Applications to IR-UWB OOK Systems

Javad Taghipour, Vahid Tabataba Vakili, Dariush Abbasi-Moghadam
2012 International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences  
On-off keying (OOK) is one of the modulation schemes for non-coherent impulse radio Ultra-wideband systems. In this paper, the utilization of the kurtosis detector (KD) and fourth power detector (FD) receivers for OOK signaling is introduced. We investigate the effect of integration interval and the optimum threshold on the performance of energy detector (ED), KD and FD receivers. The semi analytic expression of BER is obtained by using generalized extreme value distribution function for KD and
more » ... FD receivers. From performance point of view, the simulation results show that FD receiver outperforms KD and ED receivers. In contrast, the sensitivity to the optimum threshold is greatly reduced in KD receiver compared to ED and FD receivers.
doi:10.4236/ijcns.2012.51006 fatcat:kn7abnxpgzbolfr6veon4ycr2i