東京府病院産婆教授所の本免状産婆教育に関する研究 : 明治9年〜11年、新聞の産婆志願者募集広告および長谷川泰と東京府間の往復文書より
A Study on Midwifery Education For Licensure at Tokyo Hospital Midwife School : from newspaper advertisement for applicants and the official documents between Tai Hasegawa and Tokyo-Fu from the 9th to the 11th of Meiji

高橋 みや子
1993 Kango kyoikugaku kenkyu  
from the gth to the llth of Meiji 一 T 尊 ・ p ・ ・ p ・ ・e ・ fthis st・dy w ・・ t・ clarify the ea ・ly $ t・g ・ ・f th・ midwifery ・d・・ati・n f・・ 1icensure a 正Tokyo Hospital Midwife School from Tai Hase $ awa ' s activities and the reaction of Tokyo − Fu on advertisement for nlidwifery student candidates . The primary historical materials were the official dQcuments between Tai Hasegawa and Tokyo ・ Fu from . the gth to the llth of Meiji kept at Tokyo − Fu official documents Departrnent . The secQndary
more » ... orical materials were newspaper advertisement for midwifery student candi − date and other materials on midwifery appeared in the Tokyo Nichinichi and the Yomiuri from the gth to the llth of Meiji. The results showed some facts of the early stage of midwifery education fQr licensure at Tokyo −− Fu Hospital Midwife School as follows: 1 ) School regulation and curriculum . 2)Tai Hasegawa ' s activities and the reaction of Tokyo − Fu on advertisement fQr midwifery student candidates . 3)The changes of admission capacity and starting time of instruction . 4)Characteristics of newspaper advertisement . The results Qf this study will serve as the basic material for study of the develop 珥 ent of modern Japanese midwifery education and qualification system .
doi:10.19015/jasne.2.1_1 fatcat:fvov6kjkkbebrfksj476zi4pbm