How is Information Systems Research Justified? An Analysis of Justifications Given by Authors

Kai Spindeldreher, Daniel Schlagwein, Detlef Schoder
2020 Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences   unpublished
This study analyses how Information Systems (IS) research is justified by authors. We assess how authors justify their research endeavors based on published IS research papers. We use justification theory [11] , which along with later work, identifies seven different value systems (i.e., orders of worth) as co-existing in society, as a conceptual foundation. We qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the justifications in published IS research papers. We provide a breakdown of the
more » ... s used in IS research. Our findings show that the importance and relevance of IS research is predominantly justified in reference to three orders of worth (market, industrial and civic values) at the neglect of the four other orders of worth (domestic, inspiration, fame, green) that equally exist in society. We provide suggestions to stimulate a broader consideration of research topics in relation to these other orders of worth and hence alternative sources of justification for authors.
doi:10.24251/hicss.2020.695 fatcat:td5p6m2pmfgo7elnckvhintr5u