Size estimates for fat inclusions in an isotropic Reissner–Mindlin plate

Antonino Morassi, Edi Rosset, Sergio Vessella
2017 Inverse Problems  
In this paper we consider the inverse problem of determining, within an elastic isotropic thick plate modelled by the Reissner-Mindlin theory, the possible presence of an inclusion made of a different elastic material. Under some a priori assumptions on the inclusion, we deduce constructive upper and lower estimates of the area of the inclusion in terms of a scalar quantity related to the work developed in deforming the plate by applying simultaneously a couple field and a transverse force
more » ... at the boundary of the plate. The approach allows to consider plates with boundary of Lipschitz class.
doi:10.1088/1361-6420/aa9e55 fatcat:4tvm7vbvsjbsbpo4y2dptqyeti