Carmen Valentina RĂDULESCU, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania, Sorin BURLACU, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
2022 Proceedings of the International Conference Competitiveness of Agro-Food and Environmental Economy   unpublished
The environment is the natural space that has been transformed by humans over time. It is mostly made up of water, air, vegetation and soil. They are the elements of the natural environment in which man was born. It is already realized that each element plays an extremely important role in the formation of the natural environment. Moreover, all these elements, which make up the natural environment, are intercorrelated: the climate is influenced by relief; climate and relief determine the spread
more » ... of vegetation and fauna to preserve the natural environment etc. The purpose of our research is to highlight the destructive effects of pollution under the action of the anthropic factor and to present some directions of action for a sustainable development, with an emphasis on the air quality in Bucharest. The paper mainly highlights the effects of human pressure on the air quality in Bucharest. This locality was chosen because it has the highest population density in Romania. Sustainable development involves the relation of the human being with the environment and the responsibilities of the present generation to the next generation. For the Earth to remain a living planet, human interests must be correlated with the laws of nature.
doi:10.24818/cafee/2019/8/05 fatcat:lr36cwefevb4bacims6jus3t6y