Effects of a Magnetic Field on the Process of Protein Crystal Growth

International journal of microgravity science and application  
High quality of protein crystals is very important to determine the molecular structure of protein by X-ray diŠraction analysis. The eŠect of a magnetic ˆeld on the protein crystal growth is quite a new research ˆeld. Topics for protein crystallization in magnetic ˆelds are reviewed, including making the low-gravity environment on the earth, the formation of protein crystals in low-gravity, the improvement of crystal quality, the magnetic orientation of protein crystals, damping of natural
more » ... ction caused by Lorentz force etc. Judging from these researches, magnetic ˆelds are suitable for the protein crystallization.
doi:10.15011/jasma.19.2.117 fatcat:wbphixl76fcurh5gskl4gzdje4