Young Stars Associated with the Reflection Nebula NGC 2626

Kaisa E. Mueller, John A. Graham
2000 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific  
We have conducted a search for Ha emission-line stars within the Ðeld containing the reÑection nebula NGC 2626 and the associated dark cloud DC 259.9[0.0. Thirty-two Ha stars, most of them newly discovered, have been identiÐed. Magnitudes and colors for these stars are listed. Some are found to be variable and are possible T Tauri stars. Changes between 1991 and 1999 in the brightness and appearance of a small reÑection nebula in the region are shown. These are caused by an unevenly obscured
more » ... ng stellar object which is the probable source of IRAS 08337[4028 and the Herbig-Haro object HH 132. The overall morphology of the small nebula is strikingly similar to that of the well-studied HH 46È47 conÐguration, but the NGC 2626 region is at about twice the distance.
doi:10.1086/317705 fatcat:gfkr77z2bzfpffnzvo7akwr74a