Studies on the production of Digitalis cardenolides by plant tissue culture I. Determination of digitoxin and digoxin contents in first and second passage calli and organ redifferentiating calli of several Digitalis species by radioimmunoassay

M. Hagimori, T. Matsumoto, T. Kisaki
1980 Plant and Cell Physiology  
Undifferentiated, highly chlorophyllous cell cultures; undifferentiated white cell cultures; green, shoot-forming cultures; and white, shoot-forming cultures of Digitalis parpurea L. were established and subcultured every 3 weeks in liquid media in the light or in the dark. The digitoxin content, the chlorophyll content, and the ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity of these cultures were assayed. The light-grown, green, shoot-forming cultures accumulated considerable amounts of digitoxin
more » ... about 20 to 40 micrograms per gram dry weight), and the white, shoot-forming cultures without chloroplasts accumulated about one-third that amount of digitoxin. The on July 14, 2017 -Published by Downloaded from
doi:10.1093/pcp/21.8.1391 pmid:25385956 fatcat:uvlypifzibhwjejplboqswm2ea