University of Colorado Health Sciences Center The Bridge November 19, 1997 [article]

Skaggs School Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences
of Volunteers is sponsoring sev eral sales in the next few weeks. The association will use all commissions for patient care pro jects. Each event will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Atrium Hallway, just west of the UH Pharmacy. "_ •-Two events will be held November 20 -21. "Africa Direct" will feature jewelry, masks and dolls from West Africa, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and other parts of the world. "Safari World" will include screen-printed T-shirts featuring exotic wild life from
more » ... und the world, as well as mugs, pepper spray and other items. A jewelry sale by Exodus Jewelry Company will be held December 18 -19. Estate jewelry, gold, diamonds and other jewelry will be available. Also during these days, "Crazy Scrubs" will be sold. For more information, call Jean Burrows at Ext. 2-9445. Take a CPR class, save a life A layperson class on life-saving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) will be held November 23, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th St. Anyone over the age of 13 is encouraged to take the two-and-a-half hour class. Registrations can be made by calling the American Red Cross, 722-7474, weekdays, 8 a.m. -5 p.m. In 1995, Denver Mayor Wellington Webb asked a special task force to study the emergency medical services system in Denver. One recommendation made by the task force was to make a CPR class available to all citizens.
doi:10.25677/k8gy-0146 fatcat:kqvxqigtj5hqvknnc23wubbaba