Dephasing and Renormalization in Quantum Two-Level Systems [chapter]

Alexander Shnirman, Gerd Schön
2003 Quantum Noise in Mesoscopic Physics  
Motivated by fundamental questions about the loss of phase coherence at low temperature we consider relaxation, dephasing and renormalization effects in quantum two-level systems which are coupled to a dissipative environment. We observe that experimental conditions, e.g., details of the initial state preparation, determine to which extent the environment leads to dephasing or to renormalization effects. We analyze an exactly solvable limit where the relation between both can be demonstrated
more » ... licitly. We also study the effects of dephasing and renormalization on response functions.
doi:10.1007/978-94-010-0089-5_17 fatcat:mvj4zk6xzfehfizbvozeiqjgvy