L. M. Dennis, B. J. Lemon
1915 Journal of the American Chemical Society  
2. A modified form of electrolytic cell utilizing a mercury cathode for the direct electrolysis of chloride solutions is described. 3. The percentage of cadmium in anhydrous cadmium chloride is found to be 61.319, while Quinn and Hulett found only 61.298%. The former percentage corresponds to an atomic weight of cadmium of 112.417 (C1 = 35.457), a value which is in perfect agreement with the earlier one found by Baxter, Hines and Frevert, 112.418. If chlorine is taken a t 35.458, the atomic
more » ... ht of cadmium becomes 1 1 2 . 4 2 1 . The analysis of cadmium bromide by a sjmilar method is now under way in this laboratory, and the results closely confirm the higher value for the atomic weight of cadmium. The method will also be applied to the analysis of other metallic halides. We are greatly indebted to both the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the Elizabeth Thompson Science Fund for very generous assistance which has enabled us to obtain apparatus best suited for the wwk.
doi:10.1021/ja02270a012 fatcat:crfhhf22zraebipkrcil6omm2e