Center for Cancer Control and Information Services Patient-Public Panel Activities to Disseminate Reliable Information and Encourage Clinical Research

Journal of Science and Technology Studies  
In response to the "National Cancer Action Plan 2005" , the Center for Cancer Control and Information Services (NCC-CIS) was established within the National Cancer Center in 2006. In order to encourage patient and public involvement (PPI) in dissemination of cancer information, a "Patient-Public Panel" was organized in 2008 by the NCC-CIS. The first experience for this Panel to co-host a discussion forum on PPI in clinical research was in collaboration with the Japan Clinical Oncology Group in
more » ... 018. Although the Panel has formulated a way to ensure PPI in cancer information dissemination through 12 years of activities, it has little experience with PPI in clinical research. Therefore, the NCC-CIS is now clarifying its role in encouraging PPI in clinical research to be consistent with its mission that "NCC-CIS provides information needed to promote comprehensive and systematic cancer control program in Japan" .
doi:10.24646/jnlsts.18.0_128 fatcat:os3e7wycp5cnnei7ffa7lqhr4m