Generic Modeling Method of Quasi-One-Dimensional Flow for Aeropropulsion System Test Facility

Jiashuai Liu, Xi Wang, Xitong Pei, Meiyin Zhu, Louyue Zhang, Shubo Yang, Song Zhang
2022 Symmetry  
To support the advanced controller design and verification of the Aeropropulsion System Test Facility (ASTF), it is necessary to establish a mathematical model of ASTF with high precision and replace the current lumped parameter model. Therefore, a quasi-one-dimensional flow model of ASTF is established considering friction, localized losses, heat transfer, etc. Moreover, a generic modeling method is proposed for quasi-one-dimensional flow. With this method, all component models of ASTF are
more » ... osed of staggered central control volume (CCV) and boundary control volume (BCV) and connected through virtual control volume. Thus, the properties of quasi-one-dimensional flow, such as spatial effect and time delay, can be easily addressed during the modeling process. The simulation results show that the quasi-one-dimensional flow model has higher accuracy than the lumped parameter model. Comparing the simulation results of the quasi-one-dimensional flow model with the test data, the relative errors of flow and pressure are less than 2.2% and 1.4%, respectively, further verifying the correctness of the proposed modeling method.
doi:10.3390/sym14061161 fatcat:gm2uzp6d6jdsvfqxzewwuqleem