The Mental Profile (Multiple Intellegences) of the Students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Zagazig University

2012 مجلة تطبیقات علوم الریاضة  
The multiple intelligences theory presents new methods to the teaching and learning process. In these methods, the learner is the main focus of the learning process which helps him exploit his capacities and enhance them. Such methods activate the educational action, and help it keep pace with the scientific development which achieves the cognitive psychology that drives these intelligences in their scientific frame. The real birth of the theory of multiple intelligences came with the
more » ... n of Howard Gardner's book "Frames of Mind" in 1983. The theory greatly contributed to bringing to an end the tradition of Solitary Intelligence. According to the theory, people are born with multiple intellectual capacities, some of which are strong, some are weak. The effective of education has to develop the weak capacities and enhance the strong ones.
doi:10.21608/jass.2012.84934 fatcat:gdzogr7exbgohgrk2hd4tm7i64