Charge radius and dipole response ofLi11

H. Esbensen, K. Hagino, P. Mueller, H. Sagawa
2007 Physical Review C  
We investigate the consistency of the measured charge radius and dipole response of ^11Li within a three-body model. We show how these observables are related to the mean square distance between the ^9Li core and the center of mass of the two valence neutrons. In this representation we find by considering the effect of smaller corrections that the discrepancy between the results of the two measurements is of the order of 1.5σ. We also investigate the sensitivity to the three-body structure of
more » ... 1Li and find that the charge radius measurement favors a model with a 50 in the ground state of the two-neutron halo, whereas the dipole response is consistent with a smaller s-wave component of about 25
doi:10.1103/physrevc.76.024302 fatcat:5nvxe5fenrcczfuq2t65jbqxby