QoS-as-a-Service in the local cloud

Luis Lino Ferreira, Michele Albano, Jerker Delsing
2016 2016 IEEE 21st International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA)  
This paper presents an architecture that supports Quality of Service (QoS) in an Arrowhead-compliant System of Systems (SoS). The Arrowhead Framework supports local cloud functionalities for automation applications, provided by means of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), by offering a number of services that ease application development. On such applications the QoS guarantees are required for service fruition, and are themselves requested as services from the framework. To fulfil this
more » ... tive we start by describing the Arrowhead architecture and the components needed to dynamically in run-time negotiate a system configuration that guarantees the QoS requirements between application services.
doi:10.1109/etfa.2016.7733699 dblp:conf/etfa/FerreiraAD16 fatcat:jdhtygiorvf3zkw6tv42orbuoa