Modal analysis of micro wind turbine blade using COSMOSWorks

Xinbo Tan, Xiaohua Tan, Xiaosai Guo, Lijie Wang, Qiu Li, Baizhou Li
2019 Vibroengineering PROCEDIA  
In this paper, vibration modal analysis of a horizontal axis micro wind turbine blade of different rotational speeds was carried out by using the finite element analysis software COSMOSWorks. The dynamic stiffening phenomenon and its effect on the vibration mode of the wind turbine blade were taken into account. Numerical results were analyzed and compared. The analysis can help not only to ensure the reliability of system operation but also to improve the structural performance.
doi:10.21595/vp.2019.20593 fatcat:vgwtgsl6n5bqrg4ru7m4yha644