The Qualities of Cryopreserved Epididymal Sperm Collected from Feline Epididymides Stored at Low Temperature

Mari TOYONAGA, Yuuka SATO, Miki MORITA, Masashi WATANABE, Hiromichi OBA, Tatsuji MIZUTANI, Tatsuya HORI, Toshihiko TSUTSUI
2010 Journal of Veterinary Medical Science  
We observed the influences of low-temperature storage of the feline epididymis on the epididymal semen qualities before and after cryopreservation to identify the optimal duration for low-temperature storage of the epididymis. After excision, the feline epididymis was stored at 4  C for 0-72 hr and then subjected to epididymal sperm collection. When sperm from the refrigerated cauda epididymis were frozen and thawed, there was no significant difference in sperm motility between the 0-and 24-hr
more » ... low-temperature storage groups, but sperm motility was significantly decreased in the 48-hr storage group. The above findings suggested that low-temperature storage of the epididymis until 24 hr is useful for frozen sperm collected from the feline cauda epididymis.
doi:10.1292/jvms.09-0260 pmid:20093800 fatcat:2jmh7lwxxzcdrgnivdwdnp6rca