Modification of the roof bolt support technology in the conditions of increasing coal mining intensity

Oleksandr Krukovskyi, Yurii Bulich, Yuliia Zemlianaia, A. Bulat, O. Voloshyn, B. Liu, Y. Kryzhanivskyi, V. Heyets
2019 E3S Web of Conferences  
The modification of the technology roof bolt supporting of mine workings in the conditions of increasing the coal mining intensity has been made. The technological schemes have been developed for the phased construction of roof bolting and frame support. This schemes make it possible to temporarily postpone the setting of frames in the mine working face, reduce the time and labour intensity for covering with a grid of the mine working arch and setting the bolts, as well as to increase the
more » ... . The analysis of changes in the stress state of the border massif during the phased construction of roof bolting and frame support has been made. It is shown that the technology of phased construction of roof bolting and frame support ensures the maintaining a stable state of host rocks. In addition, the time between the extraction of the coal-rock mass and the setting of the primary support, as well as the distance between the face and the first row of roof bolts has been reduced to a minimum. The suggested approach makes possible to ensure the rate of preparatory mine workings development that are necessary for the intensification coal mining.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/201910900042 fatcat:ocpl4472rbgsvjshelbugmyi5a