Teaching Turkey While Teaching Turkish To Foreigners: Ulutömer Example

Kelime ERDAL
2018 Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi  
Learning language really means to analyze cultural reference of that language. Otherwise, supertifical learning comes true not in real. At the end of this, foreign language learned doesn't become permanent. Also, learning foreign language is to understand perspective to world, idea system and value judgement of society of which language is learned. So, while teaching, cultural teaching is an obligation. Education is also culture transmission. Education is transmission of culture being national
more » ... nd obtain culture as well as language. Even if person learning the language is foreign, he/she learns the culture of that language as well. Sociologists thinking society as a social phenomenon think that it is a learned behaviour. In this sense, according to this mind approaching to behaviourists and stating the language as a learned behaviour, language and culture are attached twin like language and idea. It is necessary to know basic features belonging to that society in order to comprehend various activities created by people who consist of society. In research, with an practised survey it is asked to foreign students (100 students) who study at Uludağ University Turkish Teaching Practise and Research Center about how much they know various pictures and photos. Visuals taking place in practised survey belong to place and people who are important in Turkish culture and history. What slogans used in spoken language, proverbs and idioms remind students has been questioned. So, while students are learning Turkish if they learn cultural values or not has been researched and results have been obtained with the help of got findings, proposals have been suggested.
doi:10.19171/uefad.430155 fatcat:qobo4tuxs5e53npd3lqkecasum