The Nanaimo Free Press [Friday, March 4, 1910] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
anmnw -■P-M, •V.-J4 ree gnss. *ff«au«HKO 18/4 IOLUMB^XXXVL NANAIMO. BEITIte COLUMBIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 4 1910. NUMBER 2«i p. H CO. PURCHASES IH JOHNSTON WHARF DEATH «F GIpEit STRANfiEB DfiOWN^ f 11^ PERSONS REPORTERB ROWN U^T NKUT Lead To B .j Developments In Nanaimo And District Iq Near Future. Hie death occurred UM oight .t Ua o'clock of Groaw B. O. Brown. EDINBECkSLAkE^ YESTERDAY the con of Jtr. and Brown. Albert atreet. Rather a pecuIUf accident happened out at Beck'a i^ke. South Mr«; Edward
more » ... eUington, yesterday afternoon, Beckaedwas which a man named T. Robini old./and bia RESCUED FROM WREdŜ EA-irrXAS, Mar. 4-A spacial the * P.L" from Everett saya o car at Wellington slide haa been e cavated, and ten ptnona in It we found alive. Paoifle KaUway have and trana-iafand coanoction. ___ * Jtohnston A Co. a ,0^ years the shadow «4 Nanooaehaa years old./and bis was drowned. Deceased, who is a' touad alive. The report that train-^ ^ to ^ darkened the prospect. It is ns well ^ "" *««' ^ ^ Blackburn's body was The ;BBOunccmeiii is preg-to be frank about it now that there " ^ "*"® ®®«" bro^t on contly arrived in the city, and as loet In the second slide is denied, get the line open to Wellington theetosp-^ci M break in the clouds. Nanooee "o^" , far as to known, has no reUtions in Blackburn and Supt. O'Nell'e pri-dsy. Ifce postsl clerka from Sesh-Orener *«a one ^ the best known the district. Yesterday afternoon ' * eaaw-is --jtoBto-K ""'® '^aa allghUy nearer V ancouver ai-: « pwt of the big Canadian forded good harborage, and' fitted "" ^ Wt *«" South Wellington to seek oompany, and the into a developed railway systwn -thought work at the coal minee there. While Ilk® a key. Would \onooee be de-thia like other steps are lo sloped at the expense of Nanaimo? H«. ft «-as a queetlos which no vone has to amswer. and which has H lave ns yet leaked certainly not exercised a buoyant Nk ^^S!'*** ^ been a-iofluence on local stock. TOthsMDon® to the end The writer has always taken the ^ ddlJBve been in pro-view that Nanaimo would come into ■g* ^ editor her own. asd chiefly because of ®all'l>l® fact that alie had long been recogdeal was aseurnd. nized as a «entr* o( trwvcl »d tr«f-|S«Mt||»lscal principals in lh*( oc. And «ooe traffic has bee SiAdUr a»l without so-tabUshed wver certain routes, and idiwtsd that there was Oxed grooves. It to tdifllcult to di-tokiflAt *4 there was not vert it. Thereforw the writer's opto IWridMtfc ia the stories that ion has sdways been that Nanaimo, sai Alldtog. There was no as iU importance and situation ■k flirM pregr,«s or In eon-like dememd. would figure centi In the western development of the hlhimelstoh a atatement it C.P.R. publish the ru-Does not the purohtise of the Jobnithot«h they ap-eton wliarf IndicaXe that the C.P.M. ixto-r r Mnhrtifo slow. Tt* re-«■ would take «f It. and It ts the A JILT-tho.® t*st heavily toter-1" the town taKe also. The has been com-the town taae also. The writw was discussing the matter , wRh a leading-eitlzen last wlifht. It Beans rto the ,clty and he took a very optimistic view' la ttnelf it to uf the business. Pevple couM con-vvJL* ^ "P"«®«"^ a aider their holdings increased afly «lff»lfl<dacn. par caot. by the news, ae said, as it to neught 4n oUier was wnly a esmW beginning te blg-Ĉ M» j have a brilliant career betore waiting around he took a walk __ him. Although only nincthea years er to the miU and thwice to the lake, of age. he wan principal of the Wei-He was passing along a floating lingten school, and had a' splendid log whea he miaeed nie footing and!snow haU demented. Bcholastlc record behind him. Bright • was precipitated into the water and and ambitions, he used up and ovci--was unable to get out. EUs body taxed his strength In pmrtdng hi.s was soon recovered, but all efforts studies with the result that his . to reWveehim proved unavail ng. The health gave way under the strain. ! body vnte secretary were both In hie pri-tie have Uk-charge of the vate car when It went ov«-. That removed from the wiwfck car has not been found, and there to' Great Xorthwm deteeUvew hope that the oocupante may be wtth thsoa. sad are nmtotiiig alive. One man entombed sixty guard the regtoUreil matter, hours has beed dug out from the storm which started last night night. ras forced to give up his work, morgue where It wiU remain as stated, the ewo cane last Cor He' le swept down the canyon to Scenic. . Everett. Mar. 4.-Hie report eir-changed into a Mtonchlng rain thin cuUted here last night that ten per-morning, iacreasliig the dlseomfort . sons bad 4ieen alire in a ear «zca-and danger of the men at w«*k dig-vated from the mass of tnow-cover-ging for bodies. od wreckage at Wrilington has cans-The Great Northern expset* teir to a temporary until ,ed great e^tesmat. but to eo far bring tha first bodies out ama- -------, ^ , "** tovestigated unconflrmed. The wire to Welling-scMoled to leave Sceirir CM. altsre leaves to mourn his loss , ud reported on the msUer. jton was lost during last night's noon Most of the Dodiee wUl bB H. parents, two hro,h.«, and three B»bimon's bo«^ w« brought Intolriornk «d it to hn^Llhto to^ ^ to^ttto.ThTjTeyTm.Jr .. town todaj-to Jenkln's undertaking new. from there direct. At the hrid awaHlng Imtruction. frOBktnitor. . -| listers. The funeral, the arrangeraenta Tor parlors, where probably an Inqiiest which are In the hands of Bnbert A (will be held on it. rw^niwil. it ap-McAdie, will take place Sunday af-\ peers was seen to fall Inlothe temoon at 8 o'clock from ^e fami-' ter, and a got there Jnst ly residence. Albert street, ;»ev. Me-| he was sinking for the third Tjeod ofDclatlng. j Unfortunately, Jnst as bis ?NCri» M'lf PRESENT CIWI PR0(»AM«T up the situation. The C. P. ■ tors at Ahto boar of R-has bsen bMten out of Victoria, Uw wharf? Big to a certain aitoent. At ttw very I ^ or are least they have there bow a very IJi *** Island, and formidable rival, whose iateeeeU in' If* •toettog th. Jriand. a fsw year, wffl outweigh theirs.' --------rcowneu with Agaia, tha great railway I* tto fold which hither-have all ■octodreiy their been soramhling for coal own. suppUsa. 'To the C.P.R. this to con-vital <matter, ss their comnimpl to Ii«eUy 8oun< '.R. wil is much larger than any of the otb-: ers. According to report the C.l*. ,~~r ^ C.P.R. will R. warn caught napping by the C.N. ■ W^. °**°** C.N.R. can R. 1a their wegadlations for the * that Dunsmadr mlnee Md inUwata. The ^ Northern Company have the ia'wT"** ** '^totoria does (Vows Nest Pass controll<-d. and ** ^ ® ^ to Upping more in at leeet very probable that Na-
doi:10.25316/ir-12065 fatcat:phr5gcna2rgs5ogb4vw4gqklja