Parameterized dataflow modeling for DSP systems

B. Bhattacharya, S.S. Bhattacharyya
2001 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing  
Dataflow has proven to be an attractive computation model for programming digital signal processing (DSP) applications. A restricted version of dataflow, termed synchronous dataflow (SDF), that offers strong compile-time predictability properties, but has limited expressive power, has been studied extensively in the DSP context. Many extensions to synchronous dataflow have been proposed to increase its expressivity while maintaining its compile-time predictability properties as much as
more » ... We propose a parameterized dataflow framework that can be applied as a meta-modeling technique to significantly improve the expressive power of any dataflow model that possesses a well-defined concept of a graph iteration. Indeed, the parameterized dataflow framework is compatible with many of the existing dataflow models for DSP including SDF, cyclo-static dataflow, scalable synchronous dataflow, and Boolean dataflow. In this paper, we develop precise, formal semantics for parameterized synchronous dataflow (PSDF)-the application of our parameterized modeling framework to SDF-that allows data-dependent, dynamic DSP systems to be modeled in a natural and intuitive fashion. Through our development of PSDF, we demonstrate that desirable properties of a DSP modeling environment such as dynamic reconfigurability and design reuse emerge as inherent characteristics of our parameterized framework. An example of a speech compression application is used to illustrate the efficacy of the PSDF approach and its amenability to efficient software synthesis techniques. In addition, we illustrate the generality of our parameterized framework by discussing its application to cyclostatic dataflow, which is a popular alternative to the SDF model.
doi:10.1109/78.950795 fatcat:mvwi5fub4bbhrdkihelcexhimi