I.K. Namba
1961 unpublished
Coolant flow for gas-cooled in-pile loops must be supplied during irradiation test runs. A centrifugal compressor has been designed and developed for circulating helium at volume flows from 75 to 250 acfm at compressor suction conditions of 400 psi and 600°F. The compressor using grease-lubricated ball bearings has operated satisfactorily for a total of 3500 hr. NOTICE This document contains information o f a preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Oak Ridge
more » ... l Laboratory. I t i s subject t o revision or correction and therefore does n o t represent a f i n a l report.
doi:10.2172/4832089 fatcat:ikuk5eq2znbz3eneytjb3vdi7u