医科大学,病院より排出される廃棄物の微生物学的処理に関する研究 3 塩化ベンザルコニウム溶液及びクロルヘキシジン溶液の処理実験
Microbiological Studies on Waste Water Treatment by Medical Schools and Hospitals

Nobunori Sayama
1981 Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi (Japanese Journal of Hygiene)  
Benzalkonium chloride (Osvan) and chlorhexidine (Hibitane), recently developed disinfectants, have been used widely hospitals and medical schools. In the present paper, the author describes the degradability of Osvan and Hibitane in a laboratory-scale submerged fixed-film reactor. The degradation rates of these disinfectants were increased by acclimating the activated sludge to daily increasing concentration of disinfectants in the apparatus. After acclimation, 150ppm (mg/l) of Osvan and 75ppm
more » ... f Hibitane were decomposed in this manner. It was also found that Hibitane, cresol and phenol were decomposed by the activated sludge after acclimation to Osvan. Similarly, Osvan, cresol and phenol were decomposed by the activated sludge after acclimation to Hibitane.
doi:10.1265/jjh.35.869 fatcat:iiosneou35ci3p5eairppvbbvy