ROB volume 27 issue 6 Cover and Back matter

2009 Robotica (Cambridge. Print)  
Instructions for contributors Robotica aims to be an outlet for publication of original papers of the highest quality in the field of Robotics and closely related areas. This includes: novel robotic mechanism and actuator design; robot kinematics, dynamics and control; computer vision; sensor fusion; teleoperation and haptic interfaces; robot motion planning; and artificial intelligence. In addition, papers that apply techniques from Robotics to other fields are also welcome. Examples include
more » ... namics and control models applied to biological systems, the description of implementations of robots in factories, service and agricultural settings, and general mechatronic design. Works may be theoretical, computational or experimental, or some combination. Both short papers (rapid communications), and longer archival papers are welcome. Proposals for special issues on topics of current interest are welcome, and can be submitted via email to the editor. Authors are urged to ensure that their papers are written clearly and attractively, in order that their work will be readily accessible to readers. Manuscripts must be written in English. Robotica employs a rigourous peer-review process whereby all submitted manuscripts are sent to recognized experts in their subjects for evaluation. The Editor's decision on the suitability of a manuscript for publication is final. Manuscripts, whether accepted or rejected, will not be returned to authors. Submission of manuscripts Manuscripts for consideration by Robotica should be submitted electronically, using the Manuscript Central System, via This system will allow authors to benefit from faster review and earlier, online publication. The system will accept PDF files; most other files types will be automatically converted directly into PDF. Source files are required for any paper accepted for publication. Authors who are unable to submit online should contact the Editorial Office ( for assistance.
doi:10.1017/s0263574709990531 fatcat:6ciwnw7gyzfuzb3mdwrhps24qy