Igor Fedyukin, The Enterprisers: The Politics of School in Early Modern Russia

Jean-Guy Lalande
2020 Historical Studies in Education  
rather than any oversight in the study itself. Among the most notable is the matter of how the laity actively participated in this market. The exclusive focus on ministers, leaders, and decisions made by the formal church bodies, seems especially striking as the book's cover so prominently features a crowd of women. While this book does not consider women, or children, or those who were on the receiving end of missionary efforts, Pulpit, Press, and Politics serves as a strong foundation for
more » ... re scholars who will seek out the histories of these communities and the meaning that this important print culture had to them.
doi:10.32316/hse-rhe.v32i2.4857 fatcat:ckxlviv3ojfonmngcybgaxo2x4