Comparison of slamming and whipping loads by fully coupled hydroelastic analysis and experimental measurement

Jung-Hyun Kim, Yonghwan Kim, Rae-Hyoung Yuck, Dong-Yeon Lee
2015 Journal of Fluids and Structures  
This paper proposes a numerical method for analyzing whipping using a fully coupled hydroelastic model. The numerical analysis method utilizes a 3-D Rankine panel method, 1-D/3-D finite element methods, and a 2-D generalized Wagner model, which are strongly coupled in the time domain. The computational results were compared with those of a model test of an 18 000-TEU containership. The slamming pressures and whipping responses to regular waves for bow flare and stern slamming were compared.
more » ... hermore, the slamming pressure was decomposed into its dynamic and static components. The numerical and experimental models produced similar results. In addition, the effects of the discretization and geometric approximation of the 2-D slamming sections were investigated.
doi:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2014.10.011 fatcat:kahslaxa7be6hnij6dilnlukfm