Technique for the estimation of surface temperatures from embedded temperature sensing for rapid, high energy surface deposition [report]

Tyson R. Watkins, Peter Randall Schunk, Scott Alan Roberts
2014 unpublished
Temperature histories on the surface of a body that has been subjected to a rapid, highenergy surface deposition process can be difficult to determine, especially if it is impossible to directly observe the surface or attach a temperature sensor to it. In this report, we explore two methods for estimating the temperature history of the surface through the use of a sensor embedded within the body very near to the surface. First, the maximum sensor temperature is directly correlated with the peak
more » ... surface temperature. However, it is observed that the sensor data is both delayed in time and greatly attenuated in magnitude, making this approach unfeasible. Secondly, we propose an algorithm that involves fitting the solution to a one-dimensional instantaneous energy solution problem to both the sensor data and to the results of a one-dimensional CVFEM code. This algorithm is shown to be able to estimate the surface temperature ± ∼ 20 • C.
doi:10.2172/1148576 fatcat:q2scs7h7hjemrhopj5namqijva