Terahertz ptychography

Lorenzo Valzania, Thomas Feurer, Peter Zolliker, Erwin Hack
2018 Optics Letters  
We realized a phase retrieval technique using terahertz (THz) radiation as an alternative to THz digital holography, named THz ptychography. Ptychography has been used in x-ray imaging as a groundbreaking improvement of conventional coherent diffraction imaging. Here we show that ptychography can be performed at THz frequencies too. We reconstructed an amplitude and a phase object with both simulated and real data. Lateral resolution accounts to <2λ, while depth variations as low as λ∕30 can be assessed.
doi:10.1364/ol.43.000543 pmid:29400836 fatcat:akuzuzeg3zcrjahhxtudqbgpeq