Shearing force measurement device with a built-in integrated micro displacement sensor

Takuma Iwasaki, Toshihiro Takeshita, Yuji Arinaga, Koji Uemura, Hideyuki Ando, Satoshi Takeuchi, Masutaka Furue, Eiji Higurashi, Renshi Sawada
2015 Sensors and Actuators A-Physical  
The measurement of shearing force is increasingly important in the detection of slipping and the measurement of friction. In this paper, we propose a promising shearing force measurement device that is 16.3 mm × 2.9 mm × 6.0 mm, using an integrated micro displacement sensor and a trapezoidal external metallic frame. The optoelectronic subsection of the sensor is 6.5 mm × 6.5 mm, and is 1.6 mm thick. This subsection is used to measure the tilt angle of a mirror on the ceiling of the frame caused
more » ... by the shearing force applied to the upper surface of the frame. We have been able to successfully obtain a linear output change for a single axis shearing force, and determined that the measurement sensitivity differs largely due to the material and shape of the frame. Therefore, if these factors are known this device can be embedded in various applications.
doi:10.1016/j.sna.2014.09.029 fatcat:b47ypougk5bfpirxlwbjlxtj6q