Effects of Yama and Niyama on body energy systems: Evidence from Electro Photonic Imaging – A randomised controlled trial

Wen Xu, Division of Yoga and Physical Sciences, S-VYASA Deemed-to-be-University, No. 19, Eknath Bhavan, Gavipuram Circle, Kempegowdanagar, Bengaluru, Itagi R Kumar, Thaiyar M Srinivasan
2021 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
Background/Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of yogic practices of Yama and Niyama on changes in energy in the body and organs related to emotions in young adults. Methods/Statistical analysis:The present study was a randomised control trial. A total of 100 young healthy adults with 71 males and 29 females randomly allocated to study the effects of Yama and Niyama for 12 weeks. The control group was arranged to take a regular course for 45 minutes which was the
more » ... time duration as the Yama-Niyama intervention. Assessments included were energy and health status in the person, and energy and entropy levels in the five major organs related to emotions using Bio-Well device. Findings: The optimal energy stability was observed in Yama-Niyama group after the intervention compared to the control group. Energy level variables of the human energy field, health status, energy reserve, heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney values in Yama-Niyama group showed a statistical difference (p<0.001) after the intervention compared to the control group. The entropy level of five emotion-related organs for betweengroup comparison showed no significant differences after the intervention. In the within-group comparison, the results of Yama-Niyama group showed a significant reduction in physical energy level from hyperactive to normal range after the intervention compared to baseline, whereas the control group showed a significant decrease and out of normal range. The optimal energy stability in Yama-Niyama group indicating an improvement in physical function. Novelty : The current study provides preliminary evidence that Yama and Niyama intervention improved the regulation of subtle energy in the body and might balance vital energy in meridians to further promote physiological wellbeing.
doi:10.17485/ijst/v14i7.66 fatcat:4ub632vdojb2tmyjainqcwjotq