Complex treatment after pathohistological and immunohistochemical analysis in synchronous neoplasms - anorectal achromatic malignant melanoma and gastric extrapleural solitary fibrous tumor

Lena Marinova, Bistra Yordanova, Nikolay Evgeniev, Kremena Petrova
2021 Trends in Medicine  
operation, including extirpation of the rectum a modo Miles with simultaneous partial resection of the stomach was performed. From the examinations: Rectocolonoscopy: Approx. 4 cm from the anorectal line, a tumor process on the posterior wall, ulcerated and easily bleeding to the touch was found. A biopsy for histological verification was taken. CT of the thorax and abdomen: Lung, mediastinum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys -without pathology observations; There
more » ... e no pathologically enlarged paraaortic, pelvic and inguinal lymph nodes. Small pelvis: Rectum -Near the sphincter along the lateromedial contour on the left, there is a reinforcing intraluminal formation. Free perirectal adipose tissue, no visible changes. Stomach-In the middle third, along the greater curvature, there is an intramural lesion measuring 35/24 mm, with calcification on Abstract A 76-year-old woman diagnosed with extremely rarelysynchronous neoplasms -rectal malignant melanoma (RMM) and a benign variant of gastric extrapleural solitary fibrous tumor (GESFT) is presented. Against the background of a literature review, the pathomorphological characteristic, the necessary immunohistochemical panel and the difficult differential diagnosis with the wide range of benign and malignant mesenchymal tumors are discussed. The necessary complex oncological treatment, directly depending on the prognostic risk factors for each of these synchronous tumors is analyzed. For the first time in the English medical literature, a clinical case with synchronous tumors -rectal achromatic malignant melanoma and gastric solitary fibrous tumor is presented. After complex treatment, including surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy of the RMM and surgery of the gastric tumor, we report a one-year disease-free survival with a good quality of life. Marinova L (2020) Complex treatment after pathohistological and immunohistochemical analysis in synchronous neoplasms -anorectal achromatic malignant melanoma and gastric extrapleural solitary fibrous tumor
doi:10.15761/tim.1000258 fatcat:oiu3wqwguncqzi7b7sj3g3sovy