Comparison of Behavior Patterns Based on Surveys of People who are Walking with or without Operating a Cell Phone in Railway Stations:

Hiroko TAKEUCHI, Mayuko UEDA, Shizuka NAKAMURA, Yuki ASHITAKA, Kazushige WADA
2020 The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  
In this research, we investigated the situation of texting while walking in railway stations for the In this research, we investigated the situation of texting while walking in railway stations for the purpose of understanding it and clarifying the features that lead to effective interventions. In survey I, purpose of understanding it and clarifying the features that lead to effective interventions. In survey I, the number of people walking in a station with operating a cell phone was
more » ... ed. Results indicated the number of people walking in a station with operating a cell phone was investigated. Results indicated that young people operate their cell phones frequently while walking compared to elderly people, that young people operate their cell phones frequently while walking compared to elderly people, and people do it especially after the evening, when passengers are crowded. In survey II, we did a and people do it especially after the evening, when passengers are crowded. In survey II, we did a questionnaire survey in a railway station by collecting answers directly from who walking with operating questionnaire survey in a railway station by collecting answers directly from who walking with operating a cell phone at the moment and who walking without operating it. Results indicated that whether they are a cell phone at the moment and who walking without operating it. Results indicated that whether they are operating their cell phone at the time of getting off the train has a great influence on whether they walk operating their cell phone at the time of getting off the train has a great influence on whether they walk in railway stations with operating it or not. It was showed that people who walking with operating their in railway stations with operating it or not. It was showed that people who walking with operating their cell phone want to give priority to completing the operation right away, and they have the confidence cell phone want to give priority to completing the operation right away, and they have the confidence that they can operate it even while walking. Besides, it was indicated that there are many people who that they can operate it even while walking. Besides, it was indicated that there are many people who walking with operating their cell phone despite the low need, and people who doing it unconsciously. walking with operating their cell phone despite the low need, and people who doing it unconsciously. 本研究では駅構内における歩きスマホの実態を把握し,効果的な防止策に繋がる特徴を明らかにする ことを目的として調査を行った.調査Ⅰでは駅構内で歩きスマホをしている人の人数調査を行った結果, 若年者の歩きスマホ率が高いことや,夕方の混雑する時間帯で歩きスマホ率が高くなることが分かった. 調査Ⅱでは実際に駅構内で歩きスマホをしていた人としていなかった人にその場で声をかけてアンケー ト調査を行った.その結果,降車時にスマホの操作を行っていたか否かがその後歩きスマホをするか否 かに大きく影響していることが示された.また,歩きスマホを行う理由として今すぐに操作を終わらせ ることを優先したいと考えている傾向や,歩きながらでも操作できるという自信がある傾向が見られた. また,必要性が低い操作であるにもかかわらず歩きスマホをしている人や,無意識に行っている人が多 いことが分かった. (キーワード:歩きスマホ,鉄道の駅,旅客行動,旅客の安全,公共交通) 1 受付:2019年10月8日 受理:2020年3月19日 2 西日本旅客鉄道㈱ West Japan Railway Company 3 大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科
doi:10.5100/jje.56.108 fatcat:m6j2zrsf6jb2fcvrfquvcylsle