Spirituelle Aspekte in der Personenzentrierten Psychotherapie

Annette Nussbaumer
2010 unpublished
The research question probes the significance of spiritual aspects and phenomena for the therapist in today's person-centred psychotherapy. To answer this question, the current status is viewed first from a broad perspective before being examined in successively more detail. The first part of this work is concerned with the bearing of spirituality on European society. Spirituality is defined, whereby the discussion if one of spiritualities rather than just spirituality. The second part
more » ... tes the connection to psychotherapy based on society's perception of spirituality, before moving onto a detailed coverage of person-centred psychotherapy itself in the third and fourth part. As these theoretical findings reflect the therapist's viewpoint, the fifth part of this work supplements them with qualitative, personal discussions according to Langer (2000).
doi:10.25365/thesis.12080 fatcat:efwo6j5v5nat5dwddgctmzst6q