Geneeskundige zorg voor inwonend dienstpersoneel, 1890-1910. Op het snijvlak van wet, verzekering en zorgaanbod

K.P. Companje
2004 Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis  
Op het snijvlak van wet, verzekering en zorgaanbod 1 Medical care for resident servants, 1890-1910. Legislation, insurance and care supply Health care for resident servants was put on the political agenda by a group of social-democratic women who considered it part of their strategy for women's emancipation. This essay analyses the background and development of the legal regulation of health care provision for resident servants in The Netherlands between 1890 and 1910. This regulation -that was
more » ... part of the Law on the Labour Contract -stipulated that this particular professional group should be guaranteed six weeks of full medical care, provided by the employer. Parliament had accepted the proposal in the expectation that the market would provide for insurance. Therefore, the regulation proved attractive for health care suppliers who raised their tariffs, as well as for private insurers who developed private health insurance as a new product.
doi:10.18352/tseg.823 fatcat:7rcatmqu6jbdxhppvhnm5vjs5q