Complexity Results for Argumentation-based Agent Communication

Jamal Bentahar, Zakaria Maamar
2007 2007 Innovations in Information Technologies (IIT)  
In autonomous multi-agent systems, agents communicate with each other in order to cooperatively resolve problems and achieve joint goals. In advanced applications such as ebusiness, agents should be able to communicate not only by exchanging simple massages, but by engaging in complex conversations such as persuasions and negotiations. In this paper; we address the computational complexity problem of such conversations where agents are equipped with reasoning capabilities based upon
more » ... n. We argue that the computational efficiency of these conversations depends on the underlying logical language and on the type of reasoning mechanisms. In addition, we show how a trade-off between complexity andflexibility could be achieved.
doi:10.1109/iit.2007.4430428 fatcat:vpynzgxdtfd7hotjx54frso7uy