Solid streamers and single hydrophones

M. Brink, J. Spackman
2004 SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2004   unpublished
Field experiment 1 -Solid streamers and liquid streamers CGG acquired seismic data offshore Morocco using traditional liquid Syntrak streamers and full offset solid streamers. This allowed for comparison of signal and noise and operational performance of both streamer systems. In a good weather period the movement of the streamer through the water controls the minimum broadband noise level. This flow noise was measured at 5 microbar (with 3 Hz low-cut) for the solid streamer and 3 microbar for
more » ... he liquid streamer. The increased flow noise in the solid streamer is caused by (1) the reduced number of hydrophones per 12.5 m group (8 instead of 16), (2) the location of the hydrophones closer to the skin, (3) a reduced hydrophone aperture and (4) the smaller streamer diameter.
doi:10.1190/1.1842396 fatcat:q2uuuifyorexhc7mhw54q6c4l4