TGFβ family mimetic peptide promotes proliferation of human hair follicle dermal papilla cells and hair growth in C57BL/6 mice

Yeong Min Choi, Soo Young Choi, Hyonmin Kim, Jeongmin Kim, Mun Sang Ki, In-sook An, Jinhyuk Jung
2018 Biomedical Dermatology  
Hair follicle morphogenesis is orchestrated by bidirectional ectodermal-mesenchymal signaling. In particular, TGFβ (transforming growth factor-beta) family is an important regulator of hair follicle formation and cycling. In this study, we investigated the effect of TGFβ family mimetic peptide (dermal papilla stem cell activator-1, DPS-1) on activation of hair follicle formation. Methods: Cell viability, cell cycle, and mRNA expression of human dermal papilla (HDP) cells after DPS-1 or vehicle
more » ... reatment were determined, and histological analysis of hair cycle was performed from the mouse dorsal back skin after DPS-1 or vehicle administration. Results: DPS-1 promotes proliferation from 3D sphered HDP cells, but not from 2D cultured HDP cells. DPS-1 induces mRNA expression of genes, which are responsible for hair growth from HDP cells. Moreover, topical administrated DPS-1 stimulates hair growth in mice. Subsequently, histological analysis showed that the diameter and depth of hair follicles were remarkably higher in mice that were administered with DPS-1 compared to vehicle control. Conclusions: DPS-1 promotes proliferation of HDP cells as well as hair growth partly via activation of WNT/β-catenin signaling.
doi:10.1186/s41702-018-0033-8 fatcat:7xriuwsp35cudast6r3qbxq5oi