Student Perception of Using Case Study as a Teaching Method

Noorminshah A. Iahad, Marva Mirabolghasemi, Noorfa Haszlinna Mustaffa, Muhammad Shafie Abd. Latif, Yahya Buntat
2013 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
Active learning has attracted strong advocates among faculty looking for alternatives to traditional teaching methods. Case study has been recently introduced as an add-on teaching method in Malaysia. For Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, the Harvard Business School case studies have been selected to be part of the curriculum to inculcate entrepreneurial thinking skills. This paper discusses the feedback on students' perceptions of students regarding the implementation of case study discussion in
more » ... he classroom. Findings show that most students show positive perception of using case study as a teaching method and agree to learn using the same method in the future.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.187 fatcat:aqzr2m27nvgmtct7wgoyqhv6g4