On Fienup Methods for Sparse Phase Retrieval

Edouard Jean Robert Pauwels, Amir Beck, Yonina C. Eldar, Shoham Sabach
2018 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing  
Alternating minimization, or Fienup methods, have a long history in phase retrieval. We provide new insights related to the empirical and theoretical analysis of these algorithms when used with Fourier measurements and combined with convex priors. In particular, we show that Fienup methods can be viewed as performing alternating minimization on a regularized nonconvex least-squares problem with respect to amplitude measurements. We then prove that under mild additional structural assumptions on
more » ... the prior (semi-algebraicity), the sequence of signal estimates has a smooth convergent behaviour towards a critical point of the nonconvex regularized least-squares objective. Finally, we propose an extension to Fienup techniques, based on a projected gradient descent interpretation and acceleration using inertial terms. We demonstrate experimentally that this modification combined with an ℓ_1 prior constitutes a competitive approach for sparse phase retrieval.
doi:10.1109/tsp.2017.2780044 fatcat:rt55m36tcbblvaspe7eq7otxn4