The influence of human capital on the competitive opportunities and innovation development of region

A. A. Kudaeva
2017 Voprosy regionalnoj ekonomiki  
This article discusses the theoretical issues of improving human capital the main resource of innovative potential and innovative development by investing in their skills and abilities in the context of the progressive development of science and technology. The focus of the author focuses on questions of formation and use of innovation-oriented cadres who are capable of engaging in research activities and their impact on improving competitive capabilities in the region. The author gives the
more » ... ralised characteristic of innovative forms of organization employment business structures in the regions and sets out views on their further improvement. In conclusion, there is a need for the adoption of a set of measures and the creation of conditions for its further development.
doi:10.21499/2078-4023-2017-31-2-41-45 fatcat:v2c5v2eawrg7rpoaek27fkditu