A novel true meshless numerical technique (hM-DOR method) for the deformation control of circular plates integrated with piezoelectric sensors/actuators

T Y Ng, Hua Li, J Q Cheng, K Y Lam, Y K Yew
2003 Smart materials and structures (Print)  
A hybrid meshless-differential order-reduction (hM-DOR) method is presented in this paper. It uses an order-reduction approach for high-order partial differential equations and combines a point collocation technique with a fixed reproducing kernel approximation. One of its advantages is that it can directly discretize the overlapping boundary conditions, which is a difficult procedure to carry out with existing collocation-based meshless approaches. Following numerical convergence studies on
more » ... newly developed method for the bending problems of thin simply supported circular and semicircular plates, the method is employed for the control simulation of the deformation profile of the uniformly loaded smart circular plates integrated with piezoelectric sensors/actuators. These validate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed meshless hM-DOR technique.
doi:10.1088/0964-1726/12/6/013 fatcat:i5x652n5vzdajalqe3jxtcmjcm