High-contrast 116 PW Ti:sapphire laser system combined with a doubled chirped-pulse amplification scheme and a femtosecond optical-parametric amplifier

Zhaohua Wang, Cheng Liu, Zhongwei Shen, Qing Zhang, Hao Teng, Zhiyi Wei
2011 Optics Letters  
Based on a combined scheme of doubled chirped-pulse amplification and a femtosecond noncollinear opticalparametric amplifier, a high-contrast femtosecond laser pulse with energy of up to 32:3 J has been generated by improving the gain efficiency and boosting the pump energy to 120 J in the final amplifier. Our measurements show that the contrast ratio of the main laser pulse is around 10 10 within the time scale of −400 ps and the duration of compressed pulse is 27:9 fs, corresponding to a peak power of 1:16 PW.
doi:10.1364/ol.36.003194 pmid:21847205 fatcat:bbhexe5xq5d7hnxzm3spmkwwwi