Hyperbolic chaos at blinking coupling of noisy oscillators

Pavel V. Kuptsov, Sergey P. Kuznetsov, Arkady Pikovsky
2013 Physical Review E  
We study an ensemble of identical noisy phase oscillators with a blinking mean-field coupling, where one-cluster and two-cluster synchronous states alternate. In the thermodynamic limit the population is described by a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation. We show that the dynamics of the order parameters demonstrates hyperbolic chaos. The chaoticity manifests itself in phases of the complex mean field, which obey a strongly chaotic Bernoulli map. Hyperbolicity is confirmed by numerical tests based
more » ... on the calculations of relevant invariant Lyapunov vectors and Lyapunov exponents. We show how the chaotic dynamics of the phases is slightly smeared by finite-size fluctuations.
doi:10.1103/physreve.87.032912 fatcat:z6w6uz23fzdvbchcrvbscg6fky