Thermal emission from three-dimensional arrays of gold nanoparticles

Vassilios Yannopapas
2006 Physical Review B  
We study the blackbody spectrum from slabs of three-dimensional metallodielectric photonic crystals consisting of gold nanoparticles using an ab initio multiple-scattering method. The spectra are calculated for different photonic-crystal slab thicknesses, particle radii and hosting materials. We find in particular that such crystals exhibit a broadband emission spectrum above a specific cutoff frequency with emissivity of about 90%. The studied photonic crystals can be used as efficient
more » ... e emitters and can therefore find application in thermophotovoltaics and sensing.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.73.113108 fatcat:ct34xywszzeyhlheu5bpvauiei