A Course Scheduling Algorithm Based on Self-Adaptive Constrained Particle Swarm*

Wei Cui, Xiaohong Long, S.A. Hamouda, M. Mirzaei, Z. Yu
2016 MATEC Web of Conferences  
The automatic course scheduling in college is a complex constraint optimization problem. A kind of selfadaptive constraint particle swarm algorithm is proposed to avoid premature convergence of particle swarm optimization algorithm. A self-adaptive criterion is applied in different phases of algorithm execution to realize dynamic and adaptive switch between attractors and repellors during the algorithm's running process, and inertia weight will change dynamically and adaptively with the number
more » ... f iterations. The algorithm performance can be further improved with a higher convergence speed and stronger robustness. , matecconf/2016 MATEC Web of Conferences 61 610 2006
doi:10.1051/matecconf/20166102006 fatcat:l4ct5v6pbfge5b74yjiykovx6y