A software architecture for accessing data in sensor networks

Arijit Ghosh, Tony Givargis
2008 2008 5th International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems  
In this paper, we present a software architecture for accessing data in sensor networks. Designing a generic data access system for sensor networks is difficult. This is because the underlying physical architecture of sensor networks cannot be generalized which in turn affects the efficiency of the protocol. Further, applications have unique and often different data requirements. Thus the data service layer should be configurable to satisfy the needs of the application. Recognizing this, we
more » ... s on defining a software architecture that specifies the interface but leaves out the implementation. Any protocol can be used to realize this as long as it provides the services that matches the specifications. This is conceptually similar to template based programming where presentation is separated from implementation. We provide the details of our architecture and evaluate both its expressiveness to the application programmer and flexibility of implementation through a few example scenarios.
doi:10.1109/inss.2008.4610900 fatcat:72dpeeytabacbldmtmdz5c3kp4