A Study on Improvement Method by Environmental-Friendly Planning Elements of High-rise Residential Complex
초고층 복합주거단지의 친환경 계획요소 평가를 통한 개선방안에 관한 연구

Jung-Man Hwang, Joo-Hyung Lee
2014 Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society  
High-rise residential complex type is getting important as new town development and urban regeneration in the downtown area. However, literature review of high-rise residential complex and research on satisfaction analysis of real residents are lack. Therefore, this paper is analyzing environmental friendly planning elements of high-rise building as housing subdivision, inside of building, facility, and maintenance by a survey on experts. The purpose of this paper is to suggest improvement
more » ... d of environmental-friendly planning elements of high-rise residential complex by M-IPA. First, as a result, the part of housing subdivision has to keep complex land utilization, environmental-friendly transportation. Second, the part of inside of building shows that ecological housing subdivision, indoor air environment urgent and indoor temperature environment keeps maintaining. Finally, the part of facility/maintenance shows that material and facility, and index of energy management are urgently needed.
doi:10.5762/kais.2014.15.3.1522 fatcat:2pgvlnvogvfvpppypw3cdjjpkm