Nuclear Liquid-Gas Phase Transition Studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics

Takuya Furuta, Akira Ono
2004 Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement  
The nuclear liquid-gas phase transition of the system in ideal thermal equilibrium is studied with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics. The time evolution of a many-nucleon system confined in a container is solved for a long time to get a microcanonical ensemble of a given energy and volume. The temperature and the pressure are extracted from this ensemble and the caloric curves are constructed. The present work is the first time that a microscopic dynamical model which describes nuclear
more » ... gmentation reactions well is directly applied to get the nuclear caloric curve. The obtained constant pressure caloric curves clearly show the characteristic feature of the liquid-gas phase transition, namely negative heat capacity (backbending), which is expected for the phase transition in finite systems.
doi:10.1143/ptps.156.147 fatcat:vm2eln735rajbl2rvvttzcky44