Identifying syntactic role of antecedent in korean relative clause using corpus and thesaurus information

Hui-Feng Li, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Geunbae Lee
1998 Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Computational linguistics -   unpublished
This paper describes an approach to identifying the syntactic role of an antecedent in a Korean relative clause, which is essential to structural disambiguation and semantic analysis. In a learning phase, linguistic knowledge such as conceptual co-occurrence patterns and syntactic role distribution of antecedents is extracted from a large-scale corpus. Then, in an application phase, the extracted knowledge is applied in determining the correct syntactic role of an antecedent in relative
more » ... Unlike previous research based on co-occurrence patterns at the lexical level, we represent co-occurrence patterns with concept types in a thesaurus. In an experiment, the proposed method showed a high accuracy rate of 90.4% in resolving ambiguities of syntactic role determination of antecedents.
doi:10.3115/980432.980694 fatcat:lv5itv7fk5f5rl2kpbt4cnimea